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O cuidado como princípio educacional - Por Luciano Sathler

O cuidado como princípio educacional - Por Luciano Sathler | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

No diálogo que tenho mantido com várias secretarias municipais de educação, bem como com escolas públicas ou privadas, fica patente a acentuação das desigualdades provocada pelos tempos de distanciamento social.
Ao sentimento de luto, o sofrimento e o desgaste emocional do risco continuado vivenciados por educadores somam-se agora as marcas trazidas por estudantes, que tiveram um brutal impacto da pandemia devido ao maior ou menor sentimento de insegurança, perdas e danos que os alcançaram pessoalmente ou num contexto próximo.
No entanto, há razões para otimismo mesmo em meio aos desafios dessa nova fase pandêmica na qual nos encontramos. Basta analisar as possibilidades de inovação educacional abertas com a nova regulação da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica; a implementação do Novo Ensino Médio; a interdisciplinaridade proposta na Base Nacional Comum Curricular – BNCC; a possível aprovação pelo Congresso Nacional do tão ansiado Sistema Nacional de Educação; as mudanças do Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica – Fundeb; e, sem querer esgotar os temas, as consultas públicas promovidas pelo Conselho Nacional de Educação sobre Aprendizagem Híbrida e o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio – Enem.
São políticas públicas que apontam para a necessidade de refundar as práticas didático-pedagógicas e implementar hoje uma escola que ajude a construir um futuro melhor, onde os princípios democráticos e a tecnologia colaborem de forma intensiva para melhorar a experiência de aprendizagem de novos perfis de estudantes.
Recomendo a leitura atenta do Documento de Referência da Conferência Nacional de Educação – CONAE 2022, que foi disponibilizado como um insumo a mais para a elaboração do Plano Nacional de Educação 2024 – 2034 – aliás, no que já se configura como uma excelente oportunidade de mudar o rumo da história para promover o bem comum, a inclusão, a equidade e a qualidade na educação.  
No retorno das aulas e demais atividades realizadas nas escolas o que se percebe de pronto é a necessidade de aproveitar a experiência da educação a distância para mitigar os problemas relacionados à distância transacional*. Trata-se de uma teoria pensada originalmente para a EAD, mas que cabe também para analisar alguns fenômenos presentes no ensino presencial, graças à porosidade das fronteiras gerada pela onipresença das telas e dos recursos digitais.
Resumidamente, na Teoria da Distância Transacional, o diálogo entre estudantes e docentes é compreendido como intencional, construtivo, democrático e valorizado por cada parte, onde todos podem e devem contribuir, sendo direcionado para o aperfeiçoamento mútuo. A maior ou menor estruturação prévia, ora nos meios digitais, vai expressar o nível de flexibilidade dos percursos e dos objetivos educacionais, das estratégias de ensino e dos métodos de avaliação da aprendizagem. A autonomia discente é o terceiro item em análise, podendo ser mais ou menos estimulada e prevista na elaboração de um programa educacional. A figura 1 ilustra quando esses três componentes se relacionam para gerar uma baixa ou uma alta distância transacional.
Uma pesquisa** recente verificou que “37% dos estudantes ainda podem desistir da escola, na percepção dos responsáveis, se mantém e nível preocupante e a maior parte desses estudantes pode desistir por não estarem conseguindo acompanhar as atividades e por terem perdido o interesse pelos estudos; cerca de 13% podem não retornar por não se sentirem acolhidos pela escola e 45% por não estar conseguindo acompanhar as atividades. ” É um sinal claro de que, além de tentar diminuir a distância transacional, caberá aos educadores e gestores exercerem uma atitude de cuidado – uns com os outros e com os estudantes.
Cuidado aqui entendido como uma amálgama de empatia – colocar-se no lugar do outro -, solidariedade – mover-se em prol do outro -, e compaixão – superar a indiferença, sentir como sua a dor do outro e assumir como tarefa prioritária amenizar ou eliminar o sofrimento alheio.

* O artigo original de Michael Moore, que apresenta o conceito de distância transacional, é de 1993. O Prof. Wilson Azevedo gentilmente o traduziu para o português brasileiro. Ver em MOORE, Michael G. Teoria da distância transacional. In Revista Brasileira de Aprendizagem Aberta e a Distância, São Paulo, v.1, agosto 2002. Disponível em http://seer.abed.net.br/index.php/RBAAD/article/view/111,  acesso em 20/11/2021.
** DATAFOLHA. Educação não presencial na perspectiva dos estudantes e suas famílias: onda 7, amostra nacional, Setembro/21. Disponível em https://www.itausocial.org.br/publicacoes/, acess

Via Inovação Educacional
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CUED: El cambio en el aula con la Inteligencia Artificial: La inclusión de nuevos actores

CUED: El cambio en el aula con la Inteligencia Artificial: La inclusión de nuevos actores | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Por Angel Fidalgo El ordenador nace allá por los años 40 con el objetivo de sustituir el trabajo considerado como inteligente del ser human...

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Rescooped by juandoming from Educación a Distancia y TIC

Enseñanza e innovación educativa en el ámbito universitario

Enseñanza e innovación educativa en el ámbito universitario | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Cejudo, María del Carmen Llorente, Raquel Barragán Sánchez, Noelia Pérez Rodríguez, y Lorena Martin Párraga. Enseñanza e innovación educativa en el ámbito universitario. Dykinson, 2024 Texto completo El libro aborda una amplia gama de temas relacionados con la enseñanza e innovación educativa en...

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Revolucionando la Formación Docente: El Poder de... - t de TIC

Revolucionando la Formación Docente: El Poder de los Entornos Personales de AprendizajeEl pasado mes de septiembre publiqué junto a Gaspar Berbel de la Escola Universitaria Mediterrani est

Via Ramon Aragon
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Rescooped by juandoming from Help and Support everybody around the world

Using AI in universal design for learning

Using AI in universal design for learning | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

"Generative AI can make educational content and instruction more accessible, helping teachers meet a breadth of student needs ..."

Via Leona Ungerer, Ricard Lloria
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Rescooped by juandoming from Learning & Technology News

DigCompEdu framework - European Commission

DigCompEdu framework - European Commission | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

The European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) is a scientifically sound framework describing what it means for educators to be digitally competent. It provides a general reference frame to support the development of educator-specific digital competences in Europe

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, Today, 5:40 AM

DigCompEdu framework https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/digcompedu/digcompedu-framework_en This is an interesting framework for the development of skills for the use of technology in education

MBUNPI BAKOUE MARIUS OLIVIER's curator insight, Today, 6:27 AM
Cookie Crunch THC Chocolate Bar (Limited Edition) | 500mg - A Decadent Delight for Cannabis Enthusiasts Meta Description: Indulge in the exquisite flavors of the Cookie Crunch THC Chocolate Bar (Limited Edition) | 500mg. Experience a euphoric high while savoring the perfect blend of chocolate and cannabis. Get ready to embark on a delicious journey with this delectable treat. Introduction: The Cookie Crunch THC Chocolate Bar (Limited Edition) | 500mg is a must-try for cannabis enthusiasts seeking a premium and delectable edible experience. This unique chocolate bar offers a combination of rich chocolate and the euphoric effects of THC, creating an indulgent delight that is sure to satisfy your cravings. With its limited edition status and potent 500mg dosage, this is a treat that stands out from the rest. Exquisite Flavor and Texture: One bite into the Cookie Crunch THC Chocolate Bar and you will be transported to a world of pure bliss. The smooth and velvety texture of the chocolate is perfectly complemented by the crunch of cookie pieces scattered throughout. Each mouthful is a symphony of flavors, with the chocolatey goodness enhanced by the subtle nuttiness of the cookies. It's a sensory experience that will leave you craving for more. Potent THC Content: The Cookie Crunch THC Chocolate Bar is not your average edible. With a potent 500mg dosage of THC, this limited edition treat offers a powerful high that is perfect for experienced cannabis enthusiasts. The carefully measured dosage ensures that you can enjoy the euphoric effects without overwhelming your senses. It's the ideal choice for those looking for a stronger and more intense experience. Limited Edition Status: As a limited edition product, the Cookie Crunch THC Chocolate Bar is a true gem for cannabis connoisseurs. Its exclusivity adds to its allure, making it a highly sought-after item among enthusiasts. Whether you're treating yourself or looking for a unique gift for a fellow cannabis lover, this limited edition chocolate bar is sure to impress. Dosage and Consumption: It's important to note that the Cookie Crunch THC Chocolate Bar contains a potent dosage of 500mg THC. Beginners and those with low tolerance should start with a smaller dosage and gradually increase as needed. Remember to consume responsibly and follow the recommended guidelines for edible consumption. Conclusion: The Cookie Crunch THC Chocolate Bar (Limited Edition) | 500mg is a decadent and potent treat that combines the best of both worlds - delicious chocolate and the euphoric effects of THC. With its limited edition status and exquisite flavor, this is a must-try for cannabis enthusiasts seeking a unique and indulgent experience. Indulge in the Cookie Crunch THC Chocolate Bar and elevate your edible experience to new heights.https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/buy-xite-thc-dark-chocolate-bar-online/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/buy-xite-thc-dark-chocolate-bar-online/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/dark-chocolate-bar-73/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/the-chocolate-bar-classic-70/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-space-gods-chocolate-bars/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/thc-barracuda-milk-chocolate-bars/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/delta-thc-milk-chocolate-bar/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/willo-300mg-thc-milk-chocolate-covered-twix-indica/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/legend-cbd-raspberry-milk-chocolate/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/premium-35-milk-chocolate-salted-caramel-chocolate-bar/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/500mg-thc-milk-chocolate-by-pot-boss/ https://thcchocolatesonline.com/product/500mg-thc-milk-chocolate-covered-cream-cookies/
Rescooped by juandoming from Education 2.0 & 3.0

To Fix U.S. Education, Free Our Teachers

To Fix U.S. Education, Free Our Teachers | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
To fix U.S. education we must free teachers from being the least empowered and most disrespected of all professions.
Via Yashy Tohsaku
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educational Technology News

Survey Suggests Higher Ed Institutions Are Not Ready for Generative AI

Survey Suggests Higher Ed Institutions Are Not Ready for Generative AI | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
In Cengage's annual digital learning pulse survey, roughly 95% of two- and four-year higher education administrators, faculty, and trustees responded that they expect generative AI tools to change their institution over the next five years.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, Today, 10:11 AM

""While Gen AI holds exciting potential, this survey signals that higher education has more work to do before it can fully realize its benefits,"

Rescooped by juandoming from Learning & Technology News

The Future Of Generative AI: 6 Predictions Everyone Should Know About

The Future Of Generative AI: 6 Predictions Everyone Should Know About | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Generative AI is an utterly transformative technology that is already impacting how organizations and individuals work.

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, April 15, 10:11 AM

Worth a quick read to see what the future might look like.

Rescooped by juandoming from Educación, TIC y ecología

La predicción autorrregresiva dentro de la Educación disruptiva & IA como factor de autonomía y automatización –

La predicción autorrregresiva dentro de la Educación disruptiva & IA como factor de autonomía y automatización – | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Juan Domingo Farnós La autorregulación en la educación disruptiva se refiere a la capacidad de los estudiantes para regular y controlar sus propios procesos de aprendizaje de manera independiente. En el contexto de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la transformación universitaria, esto implica el uso de tecnologías de IA para personalizar y adaptar la experiencia…

Via Ramon Aragon
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MIT Open Access Articles

MIT Open Access Articles | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
MIT Open Access Articles The MIT Open Access Articles collection consists of scholarly articles written by MIT-affiliated authors that are made available through DSpace@MIT under the MIT Faculty Open Access Policy, or under related publisher agreements.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by juandoming from gpmt

Parcours : Éduquer les élèves à l'intelligence artificielle

Parcours : Éduquer les élèves à l'intelligence artificielle | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Voici un parcours de formation qui vise à initier le personnel enseignant à l’intelligence artificielle (IA). Il est conçu pour fournir une compréhension de base des concepts fondamentaux de l’IA et de ses applications pédagogiques.
Via Sandrine Decamps, michel verstrepen
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educación a Distancia y TIC

El feedback digital y el fomento de la autorregulación en la universidad (Lo + de RIED-47)

Hoy exponemos una síntesis de aspectos esenciales del noveno artículo de RIED más citado de 2021, de entre todos los publicados (34) en ese año, Vols. 24(1) y 24(2). Es decir, uno de los artículos de RIED que más impacto han generado. Al final aparece la referencia del trabajo y el enlace para poder consultarlo, junto a las fuentes bibliográficas del artículo. […]

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Rescooped by juandoming from Culture & TICE

L’IA en éducation : une valeur pédagogique ajoutée? - École branchée

L’IA en éducation : une valeur pédagogique ajoutée? - École branchée | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Notre collaborateur Sylvain Desautels a été, comme plusieurs, entraîné dans la vague de l’intelligence artificielle en éducation au cours des derniers mois. Dans ce texte, il prend un pas de recul pour se poser la question : est-ce que l’intelligence artificielle apporte à l’enseignement une véritable valeur ajoutée?
Via Sandrine Decamps
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Rescooped by juandoming from Edumorfosis.it

Creación de un escenario «bio coworking eco-school» 

Creación de un escenario «bio coworking eco-school»  | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

Un bio coworking eco-school en la educación superior dentro del marco de la educación disruptiva y la inteligencia artificial podría ofrecer un enfoque innovador y holístico para abordar los desafíos ambientales y promover un futuro más sostenible y equitativo para todos.

Ejemplos prácticos para cada punto y algunas referencias de autores relevantes en el campo de la permacultura, la sostenibilidad y la educación disruptiva, así como algunas herramientas de inteligencia artificial que podrían ser útiles:

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educational Technology News

AI Can Transform the Classroom Just Like the Calculator

AI Can Transform the Classroom Just Like the Calculator | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
AI can better education, not threaten it, if we learn some lessons from the adoption of the calculator into the classroom

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, April 17, 12:37 PM

"From the Gutenberg press to online math classes, technologies that improve access to quality learning opportunities are routinely dismissed by critics and skeptics, especially by those who hold the reins in the classroom."

Rescooped by juandoming from Education 2.0 & 3.0

Most Teachers Know They’re Playing With Fire When They Use Tech in the Classroom.

Most Teachers Know They’re Playing With Fire When They Use Tech in the Classroom. | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
But many of them know how not to get burned.

Via Peter Mellow, Yashy Tohsaku
needhamspine's comment, Today, 3:04 AM
Rescooped by juandoming from Help and Support everybody around the world

Don't Make This Mistake When It Comes to Teaching AI Literacy

Don't Make This Mistake When It Comes to Teaching AI Literacy | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Teachers can provide the lessons without AI-powered tools.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko, Ricard Lloria
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Rescooped by juandoming from e-learning-ukr

A comprehensive exploration of artificial intelligence competence frameworks for educators: A critical review - Mikeladze - European Journal of Education

Recent literature underscores the need for teachers to develop AI competencies with a recognition of the current lack of well-defined competence frameworks. This critical review investigate

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educational Technology News

Immersive Learning: The Next Frontier of Higher Education

Immersive Learning: The Next Frontier of Higher Education | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
As students develop skills to succeed in the workforce, technologies such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality are providing a priceless opportunity to learn by doing.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, Today, 10:08 AM

"[L]earning by doing is not a new concept. But increasingly research confirms, or reaffirms, that hands-on and real-life experiences are meaningful ways of teaching people when reinforced by traditional methods."

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creación de un escenario «bio coworking eco-school» dentro del contexto de la universidad en el marco de la educación disruptiva y la inteligencia artificial –

creación de un escenario «bio coworking eco-school» dentro del contexto de la universidad en el marco de la educación disruptiva y la inteligencia artificial – | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Juan Domingo Farnós Vamos a construir y crear un "bio coworking eco-school" dentro del contexto de la educación superior en el marco de la educación disruptiva y la inteligencia artificial: Espacios de aprendizaje colaborativo: El bio coworking eco-school en la educación superior podría ofrecer espacios físicos diseñados de manera sostenible donde los estudiantes, profesores y…
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educación a Distancia y TIC

RIED: How Can Universities Close the Skills Gap in Industry 4.0?

RIED: How Can Universities Close the Skills Gap in Industry 4.0? | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Blog de la "RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia". La Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación Digital.

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Rescooped by juandoming from gpmt

Generative AI for Educators - New Free Course from Google with certificate - Use AI to save time, personalize instruction, and more - partnered with MIT RAISE - Responsible AI for Social Empowermen...

Generative AI for Educators - New Free Course from Google with certificate - Use AI to save time, personalize instruction, and more - partnered with MIT RAISE - Responsible AI for Social Empowermen... | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

we know your time is valuable and student needs are broad. With Generative AI for Educators, you’ll learn how to use generative AI tools to help you save time on everyday tasks, personalize instruction, enhance lessons and activities in creative ways, and more.  Self paced course that should be completed in 1-2 hours.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa) , michel verstrepen
Rescooped by juandoming from #HR #RRHH Making love and making personal #branding #leadership

Aprender a desaprender, una nueva habilidad para el éxito

Aprender a desaprender, una nueva habilidad para el éxito | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
El aprendizaje es una herramienta importante en la vida cotidiana, pues no solo nos ayuda a tomar mejores decisiones, sino que nos dota de la posibilidad de desarrolla nuevas habilidades y al mismo tiempo de prepararnos para los diferentes retos que la vida laboral y personal nos propone.Aprender, de alguna manera, representa la posibilidad de abrirnos el camino y amplia nuestro panorama frente a muchas circunstancias en cualquier ámbito de nuestra vida.De ahí la importancia que de el aprendizaje sea continuo, es decir, que constantemente estemos aprendiendo nuevas cosas, especialmente si de nuestro ámbito de acción se refiere.Especializarnos en un tema nos puede llegar a dar cierto grado de autoridad en el mismo.

Via Juan Carlos Valda, Ricard Lloria
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educación a Distancia y TIC

NUEVO-OnlineFirst. Herramientas para un mundo digital: mejorando estrategias metacognitivas docentes para desarrollar la alfabetización digital del alumnado

NUEVO-OnlineFirst. Herramientas para un mundo digital: mejorando estrategias metacognitivas docentes para desarrollar la alfabetización digital del alumnado | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia”>

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Rescooped by juandoming from Sociologie du numérique et Humanité technologique

Pour apprendre à mobiliser ses connaissances, réfléchissons à une éducation durable – Chaire UNESCO RELIA

Pour apprendre à mobiliser ses connaissances, réfléchissons à une éducation durable – Chaire UNESCO RELIA | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

Colin de la Higuera, Avril 2024 Résumé Avec l’intelligence artificielle (IA), un enjeu majeur de l’éducation est d’amener chacun·e à savoir mobiliser ses connaissances. Cette mobilisation sera nécessaire pour résoudre des problèmes d’ordre professionnel, social, familial, etc.

Via CECI Jean-François
CECI Jean-François's curator insight, April 12, 7:31 AM

Un article intéressant sur l'influence de l'IA en éducation, les discontinuités d'espaces d'apprentissages et notamment numériques pour en arriver à une éducation durable...