Dec 14, 2021 09:22 PM

Roundup: China to Roll Back Some of Its Stricter Economy Policies in 2022, Experts Say

The Central Economic Work Conference has sent out clear signals that economic growth will be a major focus in 2022. Photo: VCG
The Central Economic Work Conference has sent out clear signals that economic growth will be a major focus in 2022. Photo: VCG

After China’s top leaders held two key meetings on 2022’s economic policies, some experts see that a pragmatic easing-off of some strict measures imposed this year could be on the cards, as goals such as overhauling the property market and cutting carbon emissions fueled pressure on economic growth.

Based on the official statements issued in the wake of the Central Economic Work Conference (CEWC) last week and a Politburo meeting earlier this month, it’s expected that the authorities will likely relax some regulations on sectors including property and energy, as well as easing monetary and fiscal policies to maintain the stability of economic growth.

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