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Will online ever conquer Higher Ed?

Will online ever conquer Higher Ed? | |

The latest data on the nation’s college and university enrollment shows that online is steadily climbing its way up to more than a third of the student population—as face-to-face continues to plummet. That’s a surprising turn in the long-time arc of academic population growth.

If online weren’t in the picture, on-campus enrollments, as reported in the most recent U.S. Department of Education 2016 results, would have fallen by more than 1.5 million between 2012 and 2016, says Jeff Seaman, co-director of the Babson Survey Research Group, who has been tracking the country’s virtual education lifeline for 15 years. “Without digital, higher ed would be in far worse shape than it is now,” he adds. “Distance ed is saving higher ed.”

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AI Index Report 2024

AI Index Report 2024 | |

Welcome to the seventh edition of the AI Index Report. The 2024 Index is our most comprehensive to date and arrives at an important moment when AI’s influence on society has never been more pronounced. This year, we have broadened our scope to more extensively cover essential trends such as technical advancements in AI, public perceptions of the technology, and the geopolitical dynamics surrounding its development. Featuring more original data than ever before, this edition introduces new estimates on AI training costs, detailed analyses of the responsible AI landscape, and an entirely new chapter dedicated to AI’s impact on science and medicine.

The AI Index Report tracks, collates, distills, and visualizes data related to AI. Our mission is to provide unbiased, rigorously vetted, broadly sourced data in order for policymakers, researchers, executives, journalists, and the general public to develop a more thorough and nuanced understanding of the complex field of AI.

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El drama de los estudiantes que utilizan IA generativa para sus trabajos 

El drama de los estudiantes que utilizan IA generativa para sus trabajos  | |

Un estudio llevado a cabo por los creadores de la herramienta líder en detección de contenido no original, Turnitin, afirma que a lo largo del año pasado, los estudiantes entregaron como originales más de veintidós millones de ejercicios realizados con la ayuda de herramientas generativas como ChatGPT, Gemini y otras, algo que supone, según algunos, una amenaza y un terrible drama.

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Seis estrategias para que la Educación alcance la revolución de la IA

Seis estrategias para que la Educación alcance la revolución de la IA | |

La inteligencia artificial ha dejado de ser una promesa, sino que es una realidad palpable que reformula sectores completos. Para la edudación, el desafío es monumental. Este cambio de paradigma exige una nueva generación de profesionales que no solo comprendan la IA sino que sean capaces de impulsar su desarrollo, innovando y contribuyendo al crecimiento empresarial y social.

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[Verano TIC] Cero Confianza en la IA

[Verano TIC] Cero Confianza en la IA | |
Edumorfosis's insight:

Gracias al Dr. Carlos Bravo y Prof. Erick Miranda por invitarme a participar en el primer programa de "Jueves de IA" a ser transmitido en la red VeranoTIC. Hoy estuvimos conversando sobre el principio de la Cero Confianza en la IAGenerativa.  Abordamos interesantes conceptos e ideas para los docentes y estudiantes que utilizan esta herramienta tecnológica. 

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The Assessment System is broken and we don’t seem to want to fix it

The Assessment System is broken and we don’t seem to want to fix it | |

We are currently assessing our students in ways that can be easily replicated by AI and on criteria that don’t demonstrate anything that is uniquely human. We are also testing in a way that excludes so many students with any form of neurodiversity – we aim for inclusive education, but not inclusive assessment. We do our best to support students with these assessments, but don’t change the assessment to support the students.!

The future of AI's impact on Education 

The future of AI's impact on Education  | |

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize education by offering personalized learning experiences tailored to the individual strengths, weaknesses, and needs of each student, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of educational outcomes. For teachers, it introduces efficiency and automation into various aspects of education, such as grading and administrative tasks, freeing educators to devote more time to teaching and engaging directly with students.

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Estas son las carreras universitarias más amenazadas por la Inteligencia Artificial

Estas son las carreras universitarias más amenazadas por la Inteligencia Artificial | |

La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) quiere cambiarlo todo. Si se cumplen los vaticinios de empresas y expertos, en el medio plazo cambiará la forma en la que trabajamos. Algunos empleos se quedarán obsoletos y desaparecerán y surgirán otros nuevos. Y lo mismo puede ocurrir con los estudios universitarios.

Edumorfosis's insight:

De acuerdo con el estudio 'La Demanda de Educación Superior ante el Cambio Tecnológico y la Inteligencia Artificial', elaborado por Fedea (Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada), las carreras universitarias más amenazadas por la tecnología son Historia; Información y Documentación; Ciencias del mar; Lenguas modernas y aplicadas; Criminología; Humanidades; Nutrición humana y dietética; Bellas artes; Ciencias del trabajo; Geografía; Ingeniería horticultura y jardinería; Náutica y transporte marítimo; Historia del arte; Finanzas y contabilidad; Gestión y administración pública; y Turismo.

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Higher Education Generative AI Readiness Assessment

Higher Education Generative AI Readiness Assessment | |

The Higher Education Generative AI Readiness Assessment, done in partnership with Amazon Web Services, an EDUCAUSE Mission Partner, is designed to provide a sense of your institution’s preparedness for strategic AI initiatives. Use the assessment to develop an understanding of the current state and the potential of generative AI at your institution, and as an opportunity for discussion with others.

This assessment can be approached in multiple ways:

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Espirales de Aprendizaje: Conectando mentes y máquinas IA

Espirales de Aprendizaje: Conectando mentes y máquinas IA | |

El concepto de Espirales del Aprendizaje (a veces referido como "aprendizaje espiral") se basa en la idea de que el aprendizaje ocurre de manera iterativa, permitiendo a los estudiantes construir nuevos conocimientos a partir de la base de lo que ya saben, mediante la revisión repetida de temas a niveles de complejidad cada vez mayores. Este enfoque pedagógico contrasta con modelos lineales de educación, en los cuales los temas se enseñan una sola vez y no se revisitan sistemáticamente.

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Teachers are using AI to grade essays. Students are using AI to write them 

Teachers are using AI to grade essays. Students are using AI to write them  | |

The emergence of AI is reshaping Education, presenting real benefits, such as automating some tasks to free up time for more personalized instruction, but also some big hazards, from issues around accuracy and plagiarism to maintaining integrity.

Both teachers and students are using the new technology. A report by strategy consultant firm Tyton Partners, sponsored by plagiarism detection platform Turnitin, found half of college students used AI tools in Fall 2023. Meanwhile, while fewer faculty members used AI, the percentage grew to 22% of faculty members in the fall of 2023, up from 9% in spring 2023.

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Educación a Distancia, transformar realidades: una mirada en ambientes inseguros

Educación a Distancia, transformar realidades: una mirada en ambientes inseguros | |

América Latina enfrenta desafíos persistentes relacionados con altas tasas de delitos, creando un entorno marcado por la violencia y la inseguridad. Ecuador ha experimentado un aumento significativo en la violencia en los últimos años, convirtiéndose en uno de los países más peligrosos de la región.


Este estudio aborda cómo la inseguridad y la criminalidad influyen en la tasa de matriculación en estudios superiores a nivel de grado, específicamente en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (UTPL), examinando la forma en la que la Educación a Distancia (EaD) se convierte en una opción más segura y atractiva en zonas afectadas por altos índices de inseguridad. Se utilizan datos del número de estudiantes en el sistema de EaD proporcionados por el Vicerrectorado de Modalidad a Distancia de la UTPL, además de datos de homicidios por provincia entre 2019 y 2022 obtenidos del Ministerio del Interior de Ecuador.

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The Higher Education revolution will be digitized – but the technology needs to meet the needs of the people universities serve

The Higher Education revolution will be digitized – but the technology needs to meet the needs of the people universities serve | |

The report – informed by surveys of more than 3,000 part-time and full-time students, interviews with leaders at 28 universities, and online focus groups with more than 250 teaching and professional staff around the world – brings many issues into focus. Perhaps the most critical of these is the need for universities to place the people they serve at the heart of technological efforts. That is, to put humans at the centre.

It’s important to note that technology can be both the barrier and the solution, as we learned in our research. It hinges on what – or who – we design technology for and implementing it in a way that makes sense to them. Covid has brought much of this into focus, putting into clear view the shortfalls of the current system and highlighting the need for change.

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Las Startups Educativas hincan los codos a fondo en los algoritmos

Las Startups Educativas hincan los codos a fondo en los algoritmos | |

La IA cambia el manual de la formación, y se convierte en la asignatura troncal del crecimiento de las startups del sector educativo, las pujantes 'edtech'. «Ya nada es igual, todo será diferente por las crecientes aplicaciones de la IA Generativa en contenidos, plataformas y servicios en la formación online». Como apunta José Lozano, presidente de Aefol (que cuenta con cursos como el online de Herramientas de IA Generativa), la singladura de las 'edtech' progresa en todo tipo de ámbitos (desde los colegios a universidades, escuelas de negocios y la formación 'in company' de las empresas).

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Texas is replacing thousands of human exam graders with AI

Texas is replacing thousands of human exam graders with AI | |

Students in Texas taking their state-mandated exams this week are being used as guinea pigs for a new artificial intelligence-powered scoring system set to replace a majority of human graders in the region.

The Texas Tribune reports an “automated scoring engine” that utilizes natural language processing — the technology that enables chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT to understand and communicate with users — is being rolled out by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to grade open-ended questions on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) exams. The agency is expecting the system to save $15–20 million per year by reducing the need for temporary human scorers, with plans to hire under 2,000 graders this year compared to the 6,000 required in 2023.

Edumorfosis's insight:

Lo anticipamos en el libro "Derrumbando las Catedrales del Conocimiento (2023). La IA va a eliminar puestos de trabajo rutinario. A la misma vez, se crearán nuevos puestos laborales para quienes sepan utilizar la IA en sus tareas profesionales... 

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[Webinar] De la mano con la Inteligencia Artificial Generativa: Uso ético para la Educación Superior

Este webinar fue ofrecido con el auspicio del Programa de Honor, Recinto de Rio Piedras, Universidad de Puerto Rico el viernes 12 de abril de 2024. El siguiente texto son las citaciones de la sección histórica.

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What's it like to be a teacher in America today?

What's it like to be a teacher in America today? | |

Public K-12 schools in the United States face a host of challenges these days – from teacher shortages to the lingering effects of COVID-19 learning loss to political battles over curriculum.

In the midst of all this, teachers express low levels of satisfaction with their jobs. In fact, they’re much less satisfied than U.S. workers overall.

Here’s how public K-12 teachers are feeling about their jobs:

  • 77% say their job is frequently stressful.
  • 68% say it’s overwhelming.
  • 70% say their school is understaffed.
  • 52% say they would not advise a young person starting out today to become a teacher.
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The future of Microlearning: Performance support and spaced learning

The future of Microlearning: Performance support and spaced learning | |

First, we hope that microlearning as a buzzphrase disappears. We’d prefer folks think about performance support as a solution, and spaced learning as a different solution, both with their unique opportunities and rationales. At one level, of course, you’re talking about the same thing: the contextually-relevant delivery of a small amount of content. In one, however, the context is what people are doing, and there aren’t entailments between elements of the content. In the other, the context is about time and there are definite entailments. We don’t yet know of a platform that elegantly does both.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko, juandoming!

How AI and Humans will transform the current Education System

How AI and Humans will transform the current Education System | |

Few things are more important than education. Unfortunately, the U.S. Education System has been under siege for years, with understaffed schools, overcrowded classrooms and overworked, underpaid teachers. The government’s own NAEP issued a Nation’s Report Card revealing less than a third of U.S. eighth graders can do grade-level math. I believe we can no longer accept a system that’s failing so many of our students.

The greatest problem stems from the fact we’re still applying a rigid, century-old education model to the challenges of our modern world. Today’s teachers hold the impossible job of educating 20, 30 or even 40 students in a classroom, kids from vastly different backgrounds and aptitudes—with no time to focus on personalized learning.!

How is the ‘College Is a Scam’ narrative influencing who chooses to go to campus? 

How is the ‘College Is a Scam’ narrative influencing who chooses to go to campus?  | |

Of course there are many factors, but in this same period of time there have been a growing number of messages in popular culture giving highly skeptical views of college. The idea that “college is a scam” has become something of a meme on social media platforms like YouTube.

Edumorfosis's insight:

Cuando escribí "Derrumbando las Catedrales del Conocimiento" (2019) lo hice para advertir al liderato universitario sobre este fenómeno educativo emergente. Soy producto de la Universidad. No suscribo la narrativa de que la "Universidad es una Estafa". Pero he investigado este fenómeno hace más de una década y el por ciento de jóvenes que prefieren otras alternativas educativas va en aumento. Las universidades públicas y privadas ya no compiten entre sí. Ahora entran el escenario educativo Nuevos Organismos Indepentientes, Edu Startups, Proveedores Online, Plataformas EduTecnológicas y Empresas EduCorporativas. Todos ellos están cruzando las líneas rojas impuestas por el sistema universitario. Ante esta amenaza, la mayoría de las universidades se han quedado estancadas en su propia inercia. 

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10 traits of an Instructional Design candidate with top credentials

10 traits of an Instructional Design candidate with top credentials | |

Instructional and Learning Designers continue to enjoy an array of employment and career advancement opportunities. When the COVID-19 pandemic forced academic institutions and private corporations to prioritize online learning, these organizations sought practical ways to take their training and education online. Simultaneously, they found a great need for professionals who could design content as engaging as it was effective. Given the trajectory the field has taken, it’s no wonder the Chronicle of Higher Ed recognized Instructional Design as the "hottest job in Higher Education."

Edumorfosis's insight:

Tal y como lo hemos mencionado en diferentes foros, el eLearning, Diseño Instruccional, EdTech, han sido extraídos de las Universidades para incorporarlos en organismos educativos emergentes, Edu Starups, Programas Educativos Corporativos (empresariales) y las grandes Compañías Tecnológicas. Un claro ejemplo de que hay más vida fuera de la Universidad. Lo experimento a diario en en ámbito empresarial...

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Establecemos diferentes escenarios de investigación del I-JEPA con los procesos de aprendizaje de la Educación Disruptiva e IA

Establecemos diferentes escenarios de investigación del I-JEPA con los procesos de aprendizaje de la Educación Disruptiva e IA | |

Con el modelo de IA, I-JEPA, en la Educación Disruptiva & IA predecimos las posibles transformaciones de aprendizaje (educación) en diferentes escenarios que no teníamos previstos y que con su potencial predictivo conseguiremos un escenario completamente abierto y ubicuo.

La intersección entre la educación disruptiva y la inteligencia artificial (IA) ha desencadenado un paradigma educativo radicalmente nuevo, un escenario transformador que desafía las convenciones establecidas. Como afirma Cathy N. Davidson, profesora de la Universidad de Duke, en su obra Now You See It: How Technology and Brain Science Will Transform Schools and Business for the 21st Century, estamos frente a una revolución que trasciende los límites tradicionales de la enseñanza. En este nuevo panorama, la IA, personificada en modelos como JEPA, se alza como una herramienta poderosa capaz de prever y moldear escenarios que anteriormente estaban más allá de nuestra visión.

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Apuntes del libro: Co-Intelligence: Living and working with AI (Ethan Mollick)

Apuntes del libro: Co-Intelligence: Living and working with AI (Ethan Mollick) | |

El libro comienza con una reflexión personal del autor sobre sus "tres noches de insomnio" tras experimentar de primera mano el potencial de ChatGPT. E. Mollick argumenta que la IA generativa es una Tecnología de Propósito General (General Purpose Technologies, irónicamente las siglas de GPT) que, al igual que la máquina de vapor o internet, tendrá un impacto profundo en todos los aspectos de la vida. Sin embargo, a diferencia de las GPT anteriores, la IA está evolucionando a un ritmo vertiginoso y se está expandiendo más allá de las tareas mecánicas y repetitivas para abordar el trabajo creativo y analítico.

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Where does Artificial Intelligence belong in student life?

Where does Artificial Intelligence belong in student life? | |

Where does Artificial intelligence (AI) belong in student life? The International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI) tasked our small group of students from around the globe with tackling this question. Although far from experts, we each had experiences with this challenge of ethically integrating AI into academic life that prompted our interest in joining this discussion.


The diversity of our group was our strength, with members from Canada, Nigeria, and Türkiye, to name a few. We held frequent meetings to collaborate our thoughts and experiences with AI in our academic journeys, realizing several interesting points that united us despite different geographic contexts.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko, juandoming
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Saving time and becoming more effective: how new tech can free university staff 

Saving time and becoming more effective: how new tech can free university staff  | |

A digital revolution centred on human experiences could provide teaching and administrative staff working in higher education with more of a valuable resource: time.

This is one of the key findings from recent research by the professional services firm EY, based on focus group discussions among 116 teaching faculty and 147 professional staff, as well as interviews with 28 leaders from universities across the world to discover what they want from digital transformation.

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[Verano TIC] Innovación y emprendimiento para docentes

[Verano TIC] Innovación y emprendimiento para docentes | |

Innovación y emprendimiento para docentes, Dr. Marcos Vélez Rivera.

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