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What the Shift to Virtual Learning Could Mean for the Future of Higher Ed

What the Shift to Virtual Learning Could Mean for the Future of Higher Ed | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

Tectonic shifts in society and business occur when unexpected events force widespread experimentation around a new idea. During World War II, for instance, when American men went off to war, women proved that they could do “men’s” work — and do it well. Women never looked back after that. Similarly, the Y2K problem demanded the extensive use of Indian software engineers, leading to the tripling of employment-based visas granted by the U.S. Fixing that bug enabled Indian engineers to establish their credentials, and catapulted them as world leaders in addressing technology problems. Alphabet, Microsoft, IBM, and Adobe are all headed by India-born engineers today.
Right now, the Coronavirus pandemic is forcing global experimentation with remote teaching. There are many indicators that this crisis is going to transform many aspects of life. Education could be one of them if remote teaching proves to be a success. But how will we know if it is? As this crisis-driven experiment launches, we should be collecting data and paying attention to the following three questions about higher education’s business model and the accessibility of quality college education.
Do students really need a four-year residential experience?
Answering this question requires an understanding of which parts of the current four-year model can be substituted, which parts can be supplemented, and which parts complemented by digital technologies.
In theory, lectures that require little personalization or human interaction can be recorded as multi-media presentations, to be watched by students at their own pace and place. Such commoditized parts of the curriculum can be easily delivered by a non-university instructor on Coursera, for example; teaching Pythagoras’ theorem is pretty much the same the world over. For such courses, technology platforms can deliver the content to very large audiences at low cost, without sacrificing one of the important benefits of the face-to-face (F2F) classroom, the social experience, because there is hardly any in these basic-level courses.
By freeing resources from courses that can be commoditized, colleges would have more resources to commit to research-based teaching, personalized problem solving, and mentorship. The students would also have more resources at their disposal, too, because they wouldn’t have to reside and devote four full years at campuses. They would take commoditized courses online at their convenience and at much cheaper cost. They can use precious time they spend on campus for electives, group assignments, faculty office hours, interactions, and career guidance, something that cannot be done remotely. In addition, campuses can facilitate social networking, field-based projects, and global learning expeditions — that require F2F engagements. This is a hybrid model of education that has the potential to make college education more affordable for everybody.
But can we shift to a hybrid model? We’re about to find out. It is not just the students who are taking classes remotely, even the instructors are now forced to teach those classes from their homes. The same students and instructors that met until a few weeks back for the same courses, are now trying alternative methods. So, both parties can compare their F2F and remote experiences, all else held equal.
With the current experiment, students, professors, and university administrators must keep a record of which classes are benefiting from being taught remotely and which ones are not going so well. They must maintain chat rooms that facilitate anonymized discussions about the technology issues, course design, course delivery, and evaluation methods. These data points can inform future decisions about when — and why — some classes should be taught remotely, which ones should remain on the campus, and which within-campus classes should be supplemented or complemented by technology.
What improvements are required in IT infrastructure to make it more suitable for online education?
As so many of us whose daily schedules have become a list of virtual meetings can attest, there are hardware and software issues that must be addressed before remote learning can really take off. We have no doubt that digital technologies (mobile, cloud, AI, etc.) can be deployed at scale, yet we also know that much more needs to be done. On the hardware side, bandwidth capacity and digital inequalities need addressing. The F2F setting levels lots of differences, because students in the same class get the same delivery. Online education, however, amplifies the digital divide. Rich students have the latest laptops, better bandwidths, more stable wifi connections, and more sophisticated audio-visual gadgets.
Software for conference calls may be a good start, but it can’t handle some key functionalities such as accommodating large class sizes while also providing a personalized experience. Even in a 1,000-student classroom, an instructor can sense if students are absorbing concepts, and can change the pace of the teaching accordingly. A student can sense whether they are asking too many questions, and are delaying the whole class. Is our technology good enough to accommodate these features virtually? What more needs to be developed? Instructors and students must note and should discuss their pain points, and facilitate and demand technological development in those areas.
In addition, online courses require educational support on the ground: Instructional designers, trainers, and coaches to ensure student learning and course completion. Digital divide also exists among universities, which will become apparent in the current experiment. Top private universities have better IT infrastructure and higher IT support staff ratio for each faculty compared to budget-starved public universities.
What training efforts are required for faculty and students to facilitate changes in mindsets and behaviors?
Not all faculty members are comfortable with virtual classrooms and there is a digital divide among those who have never used even the basic audio-visual equipment, relying on blackboards and flipcharts, and younger faculty who are aware of and adept in newer technology. As students across the nation enter online classrooms in the coming weeks, they’re going to learn that many instructors are not trained to design multimedia presentations, with elaborate notations and graphics. Colleges and universities need to use this moment to assess what training is needed to provide a smooth experience.
Students also face a number of issues with online courses. Committing to follow the university calendar forces them to finish a course, instead of procrastinating it forever. And online they can feel as they don’t belong to a peer group or a college cohort, which in real life instils a sense of competition, motivating all to excel. Anything done online suffers from attention span, because students multi-task, check emails, chat with friends, and surf the Web while attending online lectures. We’re parents and professors; we know this is true.
Can these mindsets change? Right now we are (necessarily, due to social distancing) running trial and error experiments to find out. Both teachers and students are readjusting and recalibrating in the middle of teaching semesters. The syllabus and course contents are being revised as the courses are being taught. Assessment methods, such as exams and quizzes are being converted to online submissions. University administrators and student bodies are being accommodative and are letting instructors innovate their own best course, given such short notice. Instructors, students, and university administrators should all be discussing how the teaching and learning changes between day 1 of virtual education and day X. This will provide clues for how to train future virtual educators and learners.
A Vast Experiment
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has forced a global experiment that could highlight the differences between, and cost-benefit trade off of, the suite of services offered by a residential university and the ultra low-cost education of an online education provider like Coursera. Some years ago, experts had predicted that massive open online courses (MOOCs), such as Khan Academy, Coursera, Udacity, and edX, would kill F2F college education — just as digital technologies killed off the jobs of telephone operators and travel agents. Until now, however, F2F college education has stood the test of time.
The current experiment might show that four-year F2F college education can no longer rest on its laurels. A variety of factors — most notably the continuously increasing cost of tuition, already out of reach for most families, implies that the post-secondary education market is ripe for disruption. The coronavirus crisis may just be that disruption. How we experiment, test, record, and understand our responses to it now will determine whether and how online education develops as an opportunity for the future. This experiment will also enrich political discourse in the U.S. Some politicians have promised free college education; what if this experiment proves that a college education doesn’t have to bankrupt a person?
After the crisis subsides, is it best for all students to return to the classroom, and continue the status quo? Or will we have found a better alternative?

Via Inovação Educacional
Dr. Russ Conrath's curator insight, February 14, 2023 12:23 PM

"Tectonic shifts in society and business occur when unexpected events force widespread experimentation around a new idea. During World War II, for instance, when American men went off to war, women proved that they could do “men’s” work — and do it well. Women never looked back after that. "

E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)
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Stanford University - New AI Index Report 2024 – Artificial Intelligence Index

Stanford University - New AI Index Report 2024 – Artificial Intelligence Index | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
The demographics of AI developers often differ from those of users. For instance, a considerable number of prominent AI companies and the datasets utilized for model training originate from Western nations, thereby reflecting Western perspectives.

Via Tom D'Amico (@TDOttawa)
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educación a Distancia y TIC

La rendición de cuentas en la universidad: un debate necesario

La rendición de cuentas en la universidad: un debate necesario | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
La estrategia de rendición de cuentas a nivel individual e institucional es un debate necesario para la mejora de la actividad universitaria

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Fomentando la Integridad Académica en la Era Digital: Estrategias para Integrar la IA en la Educación

Fomentando la Integridad Académica en la Era Digital: Estrategias para Integrar la IA en la Educación | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

Con la creciente integración de herramientas de inteligencia artificial (IA) como ChatGPT en el ámbito educativo, el debate sobre el plagio y la integridad académica ha ganado nueva relevancia. Como señala Martine Peters en su artículo reciente para Harvard Business Publishing, la necesidad de centrarse menos en el plagio y más en la cultura de integridad académica es imperativa. Este ensayo explora cómo los educadores y las instituciones pueden utilizar la IA no como un desafío, sino como una oportunidad para fortalecer la integridad académica.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educación, TIC y ecología

Cómo usar la IA para desarrollar contenidos e-learning

Cómo usar la IA para desarrollar contenidos e-learning | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Para aprovechar al máximo la IA en el desarrollo de contenidos elearning sin morir en el intento, es crucial adoptar las mejores prácticas.

Via Ramon Aragon
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Rescooped by juandoming from Inovação Educacional

Inteligência artificial e aprendizagem criativa: preocupações, oportunidades e escolhas

Inteligência artificial e aprendizagem criativa: preocupações, oportunidades e escolhas | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Professor do MIT (Instituto de Tecnologia de Massachusetts), Mitchel Resnick analisa como devemos considerar os sistemas de IA como uma nova categoria de recurso educacional, com suas próprias vantagens e limitações

Via Inovação Educacional
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Rescooped by juandoming from Orientar

Los atributos del liderazgo en la era disruptiva, por Xavier Ferràs

Los atributos del liderazgo en la era disruptiva, por Xavier Ferràs | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
"La gestión de organizaciones y el ejercicio del liderazgo es una disciplina fascinante"

Via Santiago Bonet, Ricard Lloria, Mariano Ramos Mejia
Santiago Bonet's curator insight, April 18, 1:31 PM

Los atributos del liderazgo en la era disruptiva: Conceptualizar + Comunicar + Convencer << Competente + Consciente + Compasivo + Comprometido | @XavierFerras @VIAEmpresa_es

Rescooped by juandoming from L'eVeille

🤖 L'IA au service de la Conception Universelle des Apprentissages (CUA)

🤖 L'IA au service de la Conception Universelle des Apprentissages (CUA) | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
L'inclusion scolaire et la différenciation pédagogique sont des incontournables du métier qu'on ne sait pas toujours par quel bout attraper 😅La Conception Universelle de l'Apprentissage (CUA) offre un cadre méthodologique précieux pour concevoir des apprentissages accessibles à tous les élèves.Et l'IA (Intelligence Artificielle), représente une assistance et une aide précieuse pour la conception.La CUA, c'est quoi ?La conception universelle de l'apprentissage (CUA) est un cadre d'enseignement
Via Sandrine Decamps
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Rescooped by juandoming from Learning & Technology News

Grounding AI: Understanding the Implications of Generative AI in World Language & Culture Education

Grounding AI: Understanding the Implications of Generative AI in World Language & Culture Education | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
By Johnathon Beals, University of Michigan On “Ontological Shock” and the Existential Question This past year I was acquainted with the phrase “ontological shock”. The sense that how you conceive of the world you inhabit, what exists therein, and your

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, April 20, 1:57 AM

This is quite a long and deep read, but worth it if you want to explore some of the ethical issues we are facing.

Rescooped by juandoming from Education 2.0 & 3.0

Generative AI In Learning: How Can It Help?

Generative AI In Learning: How Can It Help? | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Generative AI in learning can enhance and revolutionize education, making it more engaging, accessible, and effective.

Via Yashy Tohsaku
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It’s Time to Ditch the Idea of Edtech Disruption. But What Comes Next? | EdSurge News

It’s Time to Ditch the Idea of Edtech Disruption. But What Comes Next? | EdSurge News | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
COVID-19 was edtech’s big moment, and while digital tools kept learning going for many families and schools, they also faltered. A great deal of edtec

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
Rescooped by juandoming from Educación a Distancia y TIC

CUED: El cambio en el aula con la Inteligencia Artificial: La inclusión de nuevos actores

CUED: El cambio en el aula con la Inteligencia Artificial: La inclusión de nuevos actores | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Por Angel Fidalgo El ordenador nace allá por los años 40 con el objetivo de sustituir el trabajo considerado como inteligente del ser human...

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Enseñanza e innovación educativa en el ámbito universitario

Enseñanza e innovación educativa en el ámbito universitario | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Cejudo, María del Carmen Llorente, Raquel Barragán Sánchez, Noelia Pérez Rodríguez, y Lorena Martin Párraga. Enseñanza e innovación educativa en el ámbito universitario. Dykinson, 2024 Texto completo El libro aborda una amplia gama de temas relacionados con la enseñanza e innovación educativa en...

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Revolucionando la Formación Docente: El Poder de... - t de TIC

Revolucionando la Formación Docente: El Poder de los Entornos Personales de AprendizajeEl pasado mes de septiembre publiqué junto a Gaspar Berbel de la Escola Universitaria Mediterrani est

Via Ramon Aragon
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The Dawn of Enhanced Reasoning in AI: GPT-5 and Llama 3 Set to Revolutionize Complex Task Performance

The Dawn of Enhanced Reasoning in AI: GPT-5 and Llama 3 Set to Revolutionize Complex Task Performance | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
The Dawn of Enhanced Reasoning in AI: GPT-5 and Llama 3 Set to Revolutionize Complex Task Performance - elblog.pl

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, Today, 9:04 AM

"[T]ech giants OpenAI and Meta have made remarkable strides with the announcement of their latest AI models, GPT-5 and Llama 3. These AI models, which are still under development, promise to leap forward in “reasoning” capabilities."

Rescooped by juandoming from Educational Technology News

Teachers Aren't 'Silicon Valley's Lackeys' (Opinion)

Teachers Aren't 'Silicon Valley's Lackeys' (Opinion) | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
“We must remember that tech companies want different things for our children from what we do,” writes an English teacher.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, April 23, 1:12 PM

"Our job should be to question whether generative AI serves our students’ humanity"

Rescooped by juandoming from Orientar

Inteligencia Artificial y el Futuro del Trabajo en las Organizaciones: Desafíos y Oportunidades – Parte II |

Inteligencia Artificial y el Futuro del Trabajo en las Organizaciones: Desafíos y Oportunidades – Parte II | | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Aviso navegantes esta entrada donde vamos a intentar hablar sobre la “Inteligencia Artificial y el Futuro del Trabajo en las Organizaciones: Desafíos y Oportunidades”, es una entrada larga, compuesta de 4 partes, que iremos descubriendo a lo largo de los próximos meses, de momento el mes pasado descubrimos la primera parte, pero vamos a ver…

Via Ricard Lloria, Mariano Ramos Mejia
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Rescooped by juandoming from TIC, TICE et IA mais... en français

L’IA en éducation : une valeur pédagogique ajoutée? - École branchée

L’IA en éducation : une valeur pédagogique ajoutée? - École branchée | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Notre collaborateur Sylvain Desautels a été, comme plusieurs, entraîné dans la vague de l’intelligence artificielle en éducation au cours des derniers mois. Dans ce texte, il prend un pas de recul pour se poser la question : est-ce que l’intelligence artificielle apporte à l’enseignement une véritable valeur ajoutée?
Via Sandrine Decamps, Elena Pérez
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educational Technology News

Where are microcredentials today-and where are they going?

Where are microcredentials today-and where are they going? | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Microcredentials are evolving to help different student groups in higher education demonstrate expertise and capabilities.

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, April 22, 8:53 AM

"Microcredentials help different students in different ways through flexibility and skills demonstration"

Rescooped by juandoming from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)

La web 4.0 como complemento de la Educación disruptiva y la Inteligencia artificial en la creación de una nueva forma de educación. –

La web 4.0 como complemento de la Educación disruptiva y la Inteligencia artificial en la creación de una nueva forma de educación. – | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Juan Domingo Farnós Los aprendices tienen diferentes opiniones acerca de lo que están aprendiendo y dilucidando .Por tanto la navegabilidad, la accesibilidad y la usabilidad…serán siempre elementos básicos para nuestros planteamientos disruptivos en la intervención asíncrona y síncrona de nuestras actuaciones en el aprendizaje. La educación disruptiva y la inteligencia artificial pueden trabajar juntas para…
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Rescooped by juandoming from L'eVeille

🤖 L'IA au service de la Conception Universelle des Apprentissages (CUA)

L'inclusion scolaire et la différenciation pédagogique sont des incontournables du métier qu'on ne sait pas toujours par quel bout attraper 😅La Conception Universelle de l'Apprentissage (CUA) offre un cadre méthodologique précieux pour concevoir des apprentissages accessibles à tous les élèves.Et l'IA (Intelligence Artificielle), représente une assistance et une aide précieuse pour la conception.La CUA, c'est quoi ?La conception universelle de l'apprentissage (CUA) est un cadre d'enseignement
Via Sandrine Decamps
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Navegando para el Futuro: La Educación 5.0 como motor de cambio con tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial generativas (AGI) –

Navegando para el Futuro: La Educación 5.0 como motor de cambio con tecnologías de Inteligencia Artificial generativas (AGI) – | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Juan Domingo Farnós La evolución constante de la educación, impulsada por los avances tecnológicos y la necesidad de adaptarse a un mundo en constante cambio, ha dado lugar a conceptos disruptivos como la Educación 5.0, acuñada por Juan Domingo Farnós. Exploraramos cómo la integración de la Inteligencia Artificial Generativa (AGI) en los procesos de investigación…
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Rescooped by juandoming from Edumorfosis.it

Is L&D being flipped?

Is L&D being flipped? | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

It is the Learning TECHNOLOGIES Conference. We are in the most important technology transition since the invention of writing, an existential technology that is literally changing what we are as a species, therefore what we learn, why we learn and how we learn. AI was headlining at our Glastonbury. But as Ben Betts said, and I agree, it was all content production and add ons. The real AI in learning was like the Sex Pistols battering it out down the Thames, completely ignoring the Establishment in the Exel. It is so disruptive a force that no one knows how to deal with it, so they try to package it, contain it, get it to create courses, use it as a signal – look we’re down with this new tech! But no one is buying it - metaphorically or literally. It is bypassing L&D.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by juandoming from Inovação Educacional

IA generativa | Dicionário

IA generativa | Dicionário | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
A Techopedia oferece um dicionário abrangente de termos relacionados com a Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC).

Via Inovação Educacional
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Creación de un escenario «bio coworking eco-school» 

Creación de un escenario «bio coworking eco-school»  | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

Un bio coworking eco-school en la educación superior dentro del marco de la educación disruptiva y la inteligencia artificial podría ofrecer un enfoque innovador y holístico para abordar los desafíos ambientales y promover un futuro más sostenible y equitativo para todos.

Ejemplos prácticos para cada punto y algunas referencias de autores relevantes en el campo de la permacultura, la sostenibilidad y la educación disruptiva, así como algunas herramientas de inteligencia artificial que podrían ser útiles:

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by juandoming from Educational Technology News

AI Can Transform the Classroom Just Like the Calculator

AI Can Transform the Classroom Just Like the Calculator | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
AI can better education, not threaten it, if we learn some lessons from the adoption of the calculator into the classroom

EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, April 17, 12:37 PM

"From the Gutenberg press to online math classes, technologies that improve access to quality learning opportunities are routinely dismissed by critics and skeptics, especially by those who hold the reins in the classroom."