July 13-20, 2021 Cold Spring Harbor meeting – ISHPSSB Biennial Meeting – Michel Dubois and « The Social Life of Trauma Biology »

2021 Cold Spring Harbor meeting – International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) Biennial Meeting 2021 (Virtual): Michel Dubois talks about « The social life of trauma biology » – round table organized by Emma Kowak (Deadkin University, Australia).

For more details on the ISHPSSB meeting, https://ishpssb.org/meetings/ishpssb2021

The Social Life of Trauma Biology

Emma Kowal1, Michel Dubois2, Georgia Samaras3, Elsher Lawson-Boyd1
1Deakin University , Alfred Deakin Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 2CNRS/Sorbonne University, GEMASS, Paris, France, 3Technical University of Munich, Science and Technology Policy, Munich, Germany

Abstract. The biology of trauma has animated recent scientific work across many fields including neuroscience, psychiatry, epigenetics, biological anthropology, and the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD). Findings related to ‘historical’ or ‘transgenerational’ trauma have generated huge interest among historically marginalized groups and the social scientists interested in their experiences. Roundtable participants will present on their work in scientific and social settings where trauma science is enacted, including the environmental epigenetics of PTSD, neuroepigenetics, and the epigenetics of historical trauma. The discussion will inquire into the new alliances we see between different scientific and social actors. How are trauma and stress defined, studied and reformulated across these arenas? What are the social hype and political stakes of trauma-informed practices? What forms of temporality, identity, embodiment and justice do they produce?
