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15 Visual Content #Tools That Rock

15 Visual Content #Tools That Rock | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Today I'm sharing just why it's dangerous to put your trust in copy on it's own and why visual content can create the perfect balance for your blog.



Via Baiba Svenca
Alfredo Corell's curator insight, September 6, 2014 8:22 AM

A short list of tools for creating visual content.

All of them are good, but are much more than these 15.

Pam Colburn Harland's curator insight, September 7, 2014 8:39 AM

Great list of useful graphics tools!

Tatiana Kuzmina's curator insight, September 27, 2014 1:42 PM

Good selection

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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Creative teaching and learning!

How Mark Zuckerberg is reimagining the classroom | CNN Business

How Mark Zuckerberg is reimagining the classroom | CNN Business | Help and Support everybody around the world |

"Imagine hopping on a school bus and being transported to an immersive, educational tour of the inside of the human body — and no, not on a fictional episode of “The Magic School Bus.” This is the kind of experience that Meta is hoping to enable for students, digitally, through its Quest virtual reality headsets ..."

Via Leona Ungerer
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Grandes Pymes!

El secreto para alcanzar tus metas

El secreto para alcanzar tus metas | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Por Nubia Ballester
Imagina tener mucho dinero, un negocio rentable, una pareja que te quiere, hijos, buenos amigos…Son los ingredientes principales en las definiciones de éxito más comunes, aunque para todas las personas el orden de estos temas varíe, el punto en común es sentirse satisfecho a nivel personal y profesional.Hay un dicho que dice que:“Los humanos nos hacemos viejos demasiado pronto y sabios demasiado tarde”.He comprobado al hablar con muchas personas que se consideran exitosas que no se necesita ser muy inteligente, demasiado rápido o popular, para alcanzar lo que se quiere, que lo único realmente esencial es ser constante y aprender.Si tienes una meta entonces ve por ella y si no la consigues tienes dos opciones: aprendes y mejoras porque no la conseguiste o desistes del objetivo y lo vuelves un fracaso.

Via Juan Carlos Valda
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from e-learning-ukr!

A Partnership Industry for Impactful Ed-Tech

A Partnership Industry for Impactful Ed-Tech | Help and Support everybody around the world |
In a fragmented impact ecosystem, ed-tech needs collaboration to prioritize education over technology.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Educación, TIC y ecología!

Educar en tiempos inciertos: Inteligencia artificial en educación: Crónica de unas jornadas en Vila-real (y 2)

Educar en tiempos inciertos: Inteligencia artificial en educación: Crónica de unas jornadas en Vila-real (y 2) | Help and Support everybody around the world |
  Seguimos con las jornadas educativas sobre IA y educación que se celebraron en Vila-real el 8 y 9 de marzo. En un primer artículo no

Via Ramon Aragon
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Schools are using research to try to improve children’s learning – but it’s not working

Schools are using research to try to improve children’s learning – but it’s not working | Help and Support everybody around the world |

It is also becoming apparent that the gains in education are usually very small, perhaps because learning is the sum total of trillions of interactions. It is possible that the research trials we really need in education would be so vast that they are currently too impractical to do.

It seems that evidence is much harder to tame and to apply sensibly in education than elsewhere. In my view, it was inevitable and necessary that educators had to follow medicine in our search for answers. But we now need to think harder about the peculiarities of how evidence works in education.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from networks and network weaving!

Putting Relationships First

Putting Relationships First | Help and Support everybody around the world |
The case for relationship-centred communities, organisations and systems What follows is an excerpt from the The Relationships Project’s Case Maker, Putting Relationships First IF YOU WANT TO…

Via june holley
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How IoT streamlines operations and enhances school management

How IoT streamlines operations and enhances school management | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Traditionally, school management has relied on manual processes and paper-based systems, leading to inefficiencies, potential errors, and a lack of real-time data. Here's where IoT steps in. Integrating connected devices into various aspects of school operations can revolutionize the way schools function, creating a smoother workflow, a safer environment, and ultimately, a more enriching learning experience for students. Let's delve deeper into how.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from e-learning-ukr!

Mixed Methods Research Guide With Examples

Mixed Methods Research Guide With Examples | Help and Support everybody around the world |
What is mixed methods research? This article defines and explains how to design and apply mixed methods in research and provides examples.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from networks and network weaving!

The path of complexity

Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Antoine Allard, Joshua Garland, Elizabeth A. Hobson & Luis Zaman 
npj Complexity volume 1, Article number: 4 (2024)

Complexity science studies systems where large numbers of components or subsystems, at times of a different nature, combine to produce surprising emergent phenomena apparent at multiple scales. It is these phenomena, hidden behind the often deceptively simple rules that govern individual components, that best define complex systems. Since these behaviors of interest arise from interactions between parts, complex systems are not counterparts to simple systems but rather to separable ones. Their study therefore often requires a collaborative approach to science, studying a problem across scales and disciplinary domains. However, this approach introduces challenges into the ways collaborations function across traditionally-siloed disciplines, and in the publication of complexity science, which often does not fall cleanly into disciplinary journals. In this editorial, we provide our view of the current state of complex systems research and explain how this new journal will fill an important niche for researchers working on these ideas.

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Via Complexity Digest, june holley
Alessandro Cerboni's curator insight, April 22, 6:41 AM
La scienza della complessità studia i sistemi in cui un gran numero di componenti o sottosistemi, a volte di natura diversa, si combinano per produrre fenomeni emergenti sorprendenti evidenti su scale multiple. Sono questi fenomeni, nascosti dietro le regole spesso apparentemente semplici che governano i singoli componenti, che meglio definiscono i sistemi complessi. Poiché questi comportamenti di interesse derivano dalle interazioni tra le parti, i sistemi complessi non sono controparti dei sistemi semplici ma piuttosto di quelli separabili. Il loro studio quindi richiede spesso un approccio collaborativo alla scienza, studiando un problema su scale e ambiti disciplinari diversi. Tuttavia, questo approccio introduce sfide nel modo in cui funzionano le collaborazioni tra discipline tradizionalmente isolate e nella pubblicazione della scienza della complessità, che spesso non rientra in modo pulito nelle riviste disciplinari. In questo editoriale forniamo la nostra visione dello stato attuale della ricerca sui sistemi complessi e spieghiamo come questa nuova rivista riempirà un’importante nicchia per i ricercatori che lavorano su queste idee.
Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from networks and network weaving!

Explosive Cooperation in Social Dilemmas on Higher-Order Networks

Explosive Cooperation in Social Dilemmas on Higher-Order Networks | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Andrea Civilini, Onkar Sadekar, Federico Battiston, Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes, and Vito Latora

Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 167401

Understanding how cooperative behaviors can emerge from competitive interactions is an open problem in biology and social sciences. While interactions are usually modeled as pairwise networks, the units of many real-world systems can also interact in groups of three or more. Here, we introduce a general framework to extend pairwise games to higher-order networks. By studying social dilemmas on hypergraphs with a tunable structure, we find an explosive transition to cooperation triggered by a critical number of higher-order games. The associated bistable regime implies that an initial critical mass of cooperators is also required for the emergence of prosocial behavior. Our results show that higher-order interactions provide a novel explanation for the survival of cooperation.

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Via Complexity Digest, june holley
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Educación, TIC y ecología!

Las IA creadas por docentes para ayudar a otros docentes

Las IA creadas por docentes para ayudar a otros docentes | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Analizan y mejoran apuntes, acercan personajes históricos al alumnado, generan situaciones de aprendizaje… Estas soluciones facilitan diferentes tareas educativas ¡y han sido diseñadas por los propios docentes!

Via Ramon Aragon
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Santiago Sanz Lastra!

Este profesor analizó un libro con ChatGPT y GPT-4: consiguió desde crear una clase hasta captar la atención de sus alumnos

Este profesor analizó un libro con ChatGPT y GPT-4: consiguió desde crear una clase hasta captar la atención de sus alumnos | Help and Support everybody around the world |
La inteligencia artificial de ChatGPT ha ganado un gran protagonismo en muchos ámbitos de la vida cotidiana, siendo la educación uno de ellos. Con la llegada...

Via Santiago Sanz Lastra
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from e-learning-ukr!

Blended Learning Tools and Practices: A Comprehensive Analysis | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore

Blended Learning Tools and Practices: A Comprehensive Analysis | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Blended learning incorporates online learning experiences and helps students for meaningful learning through flexible online information and communication technologies, reduced overcrowded classroom presence, and planned teaching and learning experience. This study has conducted surveys of various tools, techniques, frameworks, and models useful for blended learning. This article has prepared a comprehensive survey of student, teacher, and management experiences in blended learning courses during COVID-19 and pre-COVID-19 times. The survey will be useful to faculty members, students, and management to adopt new tools and mindsets for positive outcomes. This work reports on implementing and assessing blended learning at two different universities (University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, India, and Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India). The assessments prepare the benefits and challenges of learning (by students) and teaching (by faculty) blended learning courses with different online learning tools. Additionally, student performance in the traditional and blended learning courses was compared to list the concerns about effectively shifting the face-to-face courses to a blended learning model in emergencies like COVID-19. As a result, it has been observed that blended learning is helpful for school, university, and professional training. A large set of online and e-learning platforms are developed in recent times that can be used in blended learning to improve the learner's abilities. The use of similar tools (Blackboard, CodeTantra, and g suite) has fulfilled the requirements of the two universities, and timely conducted and completed all academic activities during pandemic times.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from e-learning-ukr!

A Principal's Reflections: The Fallacy of Best Practices

A Principal's Reflections: The Fallacy of Best Practices | Help and Support everybody around the world |
A blog about digital leadership, pedagogy, learning, and transformative change in education.

Via Vladimir Kukharenko
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Tools for Teachers & Learners!

AI Music Generator - Official Website

AI Music Generator - Official Website | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Discover, create, and share music with the world. Use the latest technology to create AI music in seconds.

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, April 23, 8:00 AM

This is an impressive tool for creating songs/music just by prompting

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Educación, TIC y ecología!

CUED: La conciencia fonológica y el principio alfabético, dos habilidades esenciales para la alfabetización

CUED: La conciencia fonológica y el principio alfabético, dos habilidades esenciales para la alfabetización | Help and Support everybody around the world |
 Por  Ximena Dueñas  -  José Luis Sánchez  -  Silvana Godoy Mateus  -  Gina Catalina Loaiza Mancipe    En la región, los profesores tiene

Via Ramon Aragon
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

Fomentando la Integridad Académica en la Era Digital: Estrategias para Integrar la IA en la Educación

Fomentando la Integridad Académica en la Era Digital: Estrategias para Integrar la IA en la Educación | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Con la creciente integración de herramientas de inteligencia artificial (IA) como ChatGPT en el ámbito educativo, el debate sobre el plagio y la integridad académica ha ganado nueva relevancia. Como señala Martine Peters en su artículo reciente para Harvard Business Publishing, la necesidad de centrarse menos en el plagio y más en la cultura de integridad académica es imperativa. Este ensayo explora cómo los educadores y las instituciones pueden utilizar la IA no como un desafío, sino como una oportunidad para fortalecer la integridad académica.

Via Edumorfosis, juandoming
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Educación, TIC y ecología!

Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos

Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos | Help and Support everybody around the world |
El Aprendizaje basado en proyectos, un modelo de enseñanza basado en la investigación y la exploración, consiste en una serie de buenas prácticas entrelazadas entre sí: creatividad, espacios flexibles, sentido crítico, cooperación, autoevaluación, retroalimentación formativa… Los estudiantes, mediante el ABP, logran una comprensión más profunda del contenido a la vez que realizan un esfuerzo productivo... Leer más »

Via Ramon Aragon
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5 popular Education Beliefs that aren’t backed by research

5 popular Education Beliefs that aren’t backed by research | Help and Support everybody around the world |

Not every learning myth requires teachers to pull up stakes and start all over again—at least not entirely. There are some commonly held misconceptions that contain a nugget of wisdom but need to be tweaked in order to align with the science of learning.

Sometimes, in other words, you’re already halfway there. Here are five mostly myths, from the power of doodling to the motivating role of grades, that educators can quickly adjust and turn to their advantage.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Tools for Teachers & Learners!

Bridy - A game to explore the world of Generative AI

A game to explore the world of Generative AI

Via Nik Peachey
Nik Peachey's curator insight, April 22, 6:19 AM

This is an interesting AI powered game that is based around creating stories from images and deciding which images were described to create other images. It’ll make more sense if you try it.

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Edumorfosis.Work!

El diálogo entre un filósofo y un experto en IA: La IA no es inteligencia sino eficiencia

El diálogo entre un filósofo y un experto en IA: La IA no es inteligencia sino eficiencia | Help and Support everybody around the world |

En cuanto a los mitos y realidades, Sergio explicó que la IA en realidad no es inteligencia, porque su fin es solo la eficiencia. La eficiencia, según él, podría ser definida como «hacer más con lo mismo, o hacer lo mismo con menos». Por lo tanto, la IA no debe considerarse más que una herramienta utilizada para aumentar la eficiencia.

Via Edumorfosis
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from networks and network weaving!

A taxonomy of multiple stable states in complex ecological communities

Guim Aguadé-Gorgorió, Jean-François Arnoldi, Matthieu Barbier, Sonia Kéfi

Ecology Letters

Natural systems are built from multiple interconnected units, making their dynamics, functioning and fragility notoriously hard to predict. A fragility scenario of particular relevance concerns so-called regime shifts: abrupt transitions from healthy to degraded ecosystem states. An explanation for these shifts is that they arise as transitions between alternative stable states, a process that is well-understood in few-species models. However, how multistability upscales with system complexity remains a debated question. Here, we identify that four different multistability regimes generically emerge in models of species-rich communities and other archetypical complex biological systems assuming random interactions. Across the studied models, each regime consistently emerges under a specific interaction scheme and leaves a distinct set of fingerprints in terms of the number of observed states, their species richness and their response to perturbations. Our results help clarify the conditions and types of multistability that can be expected to occur in complex ecological communities.

Read the full article at:

Via Complexity Digest, june holley
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup)!

Where are microcredentials today-and where are they going?

Where are microcredentials today-and where are they going? | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Microcredentials are evolving to help different student groups in higher education demonstrate expertise and capabilities.

Via EDTECH@UTRGV, juandoming
EDTECH@UTRGV's curator insight, April 22, 8:53 AM

"Microcredentials help different students in different ways through flexibility and skills demonstration"

Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Educación, TIC y ecología!

Leer es interactuar

Leer es interactuar | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Muchas veces hemos escuchado que la lectura es un acto solitario, a veces incluso una forma de escapar del mundo

Via Ramon Aragon
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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Educación, TIC y ecología!

5 consejos para cuidar la batería de tu laptop ~

5 consejos para cuidar la batería de tu laptop ~ | Help and Support everybody around the world |
Hablamos sobre Marketing Digital, Social Media, SEO, Marketing de contenidos, Apps, Educación con TIC´s e Historia del internet, también te ayudamos a crear una página web

Via Ramon Aragon
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