Pour prévenir le surpoids et l’obésité, le marketing social est efficace - Patricia Gurviez
From theconversation.com - 24 July 2021, 09:23

La lutte contre l’obésité est d’autant plus efficace qu’elle est précoce. Pour sensibiliser les individus et les inciter à adopter une alimentation saine, le marketing social a fait ses preuves.

Use more of social marketing’s fundamentals in your programs
From www.youtube.com - 25 July 2021, 13:59

Download your free copy here: http://griffith.edu.au/increase-behaviour-change
We know the key to increasing rates of behavioural change. Embed more of social marketing’s fundamentals in your program planning, design and delivery, and you will increase change.

Personal and social drivers of vaccine hesitancy
From www.sciline.org - 23 July 2021, 23:23

Role of Health Communication and Policy in Vaccine Hesitancy and Acceptance

Amazon's Dive Into Healthcare: A 2021 Update
From medicalfuturist.com - 24 July 2021, 09:04

What do the publishing, film and healthcare industries have in common? They are all fields that tech giant Amazon ventures into. But even though healthcare is the latest the company got involved in – at least publicly -, Amazon is making leaps in the field. 

Social inequalities in hostility toward vaccination against Covid-19 - medRxiv
From www.medrxiv.org - 24 July 2021, 23:02

Specific campaigns should be thought beforehand to reach women and people at the bottom of the social hierarchy to avoid furthering social inequalities in terms of morbidity and mortality.

Human behaviour: what scientists have learned about it from the pandemic
From theconversation.com - 24 July 2021, 22:54

During the pandemic, a lot of assumptions were made about how people behave. Many of those assumptions were wrong, and they led to disastrous policies.

système 1 système 2, les 2 vitesses de la pensée
From www.youtube.com - 24 July 2021, 23:34

Savez-vous que votre cerveau combine deux modes de pensée ? Qu'il existe une pensée rapide et une pensée lente ? Que chacune dispose de ses compétences comme de ses biais ? Vous le pressentiez ! Cette vidéo de 2mn vous en apprendra plus sur la théorie de Kahneman. Alors... pensez-y à 2 fois !
vidéo conçue et réalisée par www.comCpro.net

Perdere tempo online è il lavoro che riempie le nostre esistenze
From www.editorialedomani.it - 24 July 2021, 09:28

La meditazione di Carrère e i consigli del “flânerd” Pietro Minto su come annoiarsi meglio sono uniti in un nodo decisivo per capire il nostro tempo, segnato dalla concentrazione come risorsa da cui estrarre valore

Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs: How Technology Can Help
From medicalfuturist.com - 24 July 2021, 09:09

Stop smoking apps, wearables, VR and other digital tools effectively support the fight against addiction to cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.

BUILDING Social Marketing across Europe
From europeansocialmarketing.org - 23 July 2021, 23:11

ESMA currently has twelve national representatives who promote the objectives of ESMA within their home countries and provide news of their countries' social marketing activities and developments to the wider European community.

L'impronta ecologica - Sandro Spinsanti in "100 secondi"
From isdemodena.net - 25 July 2021, 12:15

I possibili significati di questa espressione sono due: il primo è un significato tecnico, cioè si tratta di valutare il consumo umano di risorse naturali rispetto alla capacità che ha la terra di generare queste stesse risorse.....

Il secondo è un significato simbolico, ovvero possiamo pesare sulla terra di più o di meno e ciò dipende dalle nostre scelte

Urban Development and Planetary Health
From www.youtube.com - 25 July 2021, 12:41

Video recording of the fifth Planetary Health Online Lecture.
Cities can be drivers of enormous power for the required transformative changes. Therefore, innovative urban development presents major opportunities to improve population health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for health risks exacerbated by climate change.

Fari in attesa di valorizzazione - Alessandra Fabri
From www.vglobale.it - 25 July 2021, 13:55

Lo scopo principale di un percorso di riconversione è salvare gli edifici dal degrado per garantirgli un nuovo utilizzo

Mapped: Happiness Levels Around the World in 2021
From www.visualcapitalist.com - 26 July 2021, 21:11

Global happiness levels are determined by many diverse factors. These maps look at the happiest and unhappiest countries in every region.

Climate and Ecological Emergency. Can you really make a difference??
From www.youtube.com - 24 July 2021, 22:48

Climate and ecology are inextricably linked. Both are now in great peril. If we do not tackle those challenges with co-ordinated efforts then we stand far less chance of solving either of them. This holistic approach forms the basis of the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill..

FOIE GRAS: questa crudeltà accade ancora in Europa.
24 July 2021, 22:43

FOIE GRAS, solo crudeltà - un'indagine di Essere Animali

Il Parlamento europeo però si è schierato contro la pratica dell’alimentazione forzata e ha dichiarato di voler mettere fine a questa vera e propria crudeltà.

Sul cinema. Un'arte della complessità. Edgar Morin
From www.amazon.it - 24 July 2021, 09:13

Nelle ricerche sul cinema ho tentato di estendere il tipo di indagine condotta nei miei libri sulla complessità del mondo e dell’essere umano. 

“One Health Digital": il patto culturale che serve per una sanità globale e sostenibile
From www.agendadigitale.eu - 23 July 2021, 23:42

In un momento storico in cui la mancanza di risorse non può più essere un alibi, occorre accelerare il passaggio verso una sanità sostenibile, prendendo atto a tutti i livelli di errori e miopie e ripartendo con grande senso di responsabilità. Per farlo occorre un “patto culturale”. Ecco i fronti “caldi”


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